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Mods and Installation Guide for the House of the Mosaic Atrium



Installation Guide
Installation Guide for Minecraft 1.16.5 – MC House of the Mosaic Atrium

*PC/WINDOWS users, these are the instructions and downloads for you. MAC users, TBD.


For any of this to work, you MUST have MINECRAFT: JAVA EDITION. This will NOT work on Chromebooks, Tablets, or Phones. Download the Java Edition from


Download the folders above: MODS , RESOURCEPACK and the file HOUSE OF THE MOSAIC ATRIUM.


If this is your first time installing Minecraft, be sure to start it at least one time. It doesn't matter what version. It just needs to download some necessary folders. Create and enter a Singleplayer world. Once you have entered the Minecraft world successfully, exit Minecraft completely. 


Install FORGE. Go to 


  • Look under Download Recommended and click the installer.


  • Once you have run the installer, click Install Client.


On your computer navigate to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft  (be sure to use your actual username in place of USERNAME)

*This address should reveal a similar window ↓ If by chance a mods folder or the resourcepacks folder does not appear in your window, simply right click in the window and create a new folder for whichever folder is missing. BE SURE THE NAME(S) ARE EXACTmods and / or resourcepacks.


​From the folders you downloaded from me, you will drag the folder mods and put it into the location found at C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft **If you already have a mods folder, then open it and open my mods folder and drag and drop those contents into your mods folder.


Back under C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft you may find a folder called resourcepacks. Open it and then open the folder resourcepacks downloaded from me, and drag and drop that file into your folder. **If you do not have a resourcepacks folder, then drag and drop my entire resourcepacks folder into your C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft


Under C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft you will find a folder called saves. Open it and then drag and drop in this folder the file you downloaded from me earlier called HOUSE OF THE MOSAIC ATRIUM. You may close AppData\Roaming\.minecraft window.


Open your Minecraft launcher. You should see forge 1.16.5 in the bottom left corner.


Click INSTALLATIONS at the top of that window.

Under the forge 1.16.5 installation, click on the three dots […] at the far right. 


A small window will open. Click on EDIT.


In the window that then opens, click on MORE OPTIONS at the bottom.


At the bottom in the Java Arguments box you will see -Xmx2G.


You MUST change the 2G to a minimum of 6G. The 2 is the ONLY thing you change. So it once said -Xmx2G and now says -Xmx6G.


Click SAVE.


Now click PLAY to return to the front of the launcher or to launch the game directly from here.


It will take a moment to load all the mods.


Once loaded, click on CONTINUE.






Click the arrow in the middle of the image for the zip file CONQUEST REFORGED. The file will move from the column on the left to the column on the right.


Click DONE. It will take a few seconds to load. You will see the font change. It has loaded successfully.


Click DONE.


Click on MUSIC & SOUNDS.


Turn off the MUSIC. It will interfere with the sounds in the map.


Click DONE again.


Click Singleplayer.


Doubleclick House of the Mosaic Atrium.





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